Monotheism in Indonesian Religion : Between Pancasila and Governmental Rules


  • Mohammad Ridhan Alhafidz International IslamicUniversity of Islamabad
  • Alaika M. Bagus Kurnia PS’ Institut Kesehatan dan Bisnis Surabaya
  • Amelia Khoirunisa Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Kata Kunci:

Concept of God, Governmental Rules, Monotheism, Pancasila, Religion, Religious life


This research will explain the relationship between Pancasila and religion in Indonesia. The first precept in Pancasila regarding the divinity of the Almighty is often interpreted as saying that the state has the authority to regulate religious concepts in Indonesia. This study will explain about Pancasila as the basis of the state and interfaith life in Indonesia, as well as the relationship between Pancasila and religion in Indonesia. This study will also explain the concept of divinity among religions in Indonesia. The following problems will add insight and understanding of the monotheism contained in the first principle of Pancasila and the implications of Pancasila in religious life in Indonesia. This research applies descriptive and analytical methods. The concept of god in each religion described in this research is the concept of god in each religion that applies in Indonesia. This brief research will provide some analyses that can be developed in religious life in Indonesia in order to maintain inter-religious stability.


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Cara Mengutip

Alhafidz, M. R., Kurnia PS’, A. M. B. ., & Khoirunisa, A. . (2024). Monotheism in Indonesian Religion : Between Pancasila and Governmental Rules. Jurnal Global Islamika, 3(1), 31–51.

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